The source for these updates is the latest Gauge '0' Guild Gazette, so I'd better give them due credit. I'd also better state that if I've misinterpreted anything, it's my fault. I'll gladly correct anything that's wrong, just let me know. My mind-reading is really crap these days.
First a new supplier (as far as the GCR is concerned that is) Invertrain Models, is producing GCR 8ft bogies (their reference WMR032) at £25 each, including Peter Cowling cosmetic resin sides. Invertrain are at 33 Rose Gardens, Cairneyhill, Dunfermline, Fife, KY12 8QS. Should be useful for anyone with the relevant Bill Bedford kits.
Meteor Models, 34 Coppice Drive, Parklands, Northampton NN3 6NE, now produce the GCR 9N kit (LNER A5) that used to be made by MSC.
David Andrews has introduced or is introducing kits for the GCR 8K (LNER O4) and the O4/7 rebuild, along with the improved Director, the Sam Fay and the LNER D9 - I am being careful here as the text says 11B whereas I think 11D is more likely. One for you to check. It's also stated that other GCR kits are to follow. It seems in many cases we shall have a choice between Andrews and Gladiator versions. Take your pick!
Connoisseur Models now have their own website and you should find their GCR diag 17 covered goods van on there. I have almost finished one of these and it's an excellent kit.
Er - that's all folks!